Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

My Lucky Charm

Our ancient ancestors deified nature and believed in the existence of good and evil forces. Trying to protect themselves from evil, people created for themselves a whole system of lucky charms. What it is? They are old and kind symbols. With their help, the people preserved their genealogical memory, history, culture. Behind the ancient ideas of ancestors, the world consisted of three parts: the heavenly part with the deities that lived on it, and also the stars - the sun, the month the stars; earthly - with the man and the land on which he lived; underground - with spirits of evil, death, souls of deceased relatives. By the same principles, people built their homes. The roof is the heavenly part, the middle part is its own housing and the lower one, which was contained in the ground. The windows are the eyes of the house, because of which the person kept in touch with the deity, and the threshold is the boundary between the human world and the light of the dead.

Wards and icons are forbidden by my religion, because only the One Lord, and these things only plastic, paint, wood, etc., can protect and protect, bring benefit or harm, cannot do anything. Faith in favor of these things I consider polytheism, because people hope not for God, but for these things.

Lucky charms are various things and means by which people hang themselves, their hands, necks, attach them to cars, to bed, wall, etc., through which they try to protect themselves from evil or harm, trying to attract some good or an asset in this life.

According to the unanimous opinion of scholars of my confession, lucky charms, incantations, conspiracies and similar acts are called polytheism, a categorically forbidden act punishable by the heavy punishment of God in this and in the next life.

This concerns lucky charms, plots and spells that do not carry a word from the Holy Scripture.

According to the first kind of lucky charms, conspiracies scientists have no doubts or disputes. They have a unanimous opinion that this is the greatest sin, polytheism, in terms of religion.

The basis of the fact that these phenomena are qualified as polytheism is that in fact the harm and benefit comes from God, to attract good or good, or vice versa, only God can bring harm or mischief. Man, in turn, is able to achieve this by only those methods and forms that God has authorized.

All rights reserved. That is why, believers should fully rely on the Creator, rely on Him and rely on.

Therefore, I do not wear any lucky charms. My lucky charm is my faith.