Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Mini exam

It was 2018,I was entering school in grades 10-11.After passing the midterms, I came to my school to enroll in the Humanities class.After collecting all the documents and the certificate, I went to the school itself.After entering it, I went to the farthest building, where the Commission was.As I approached the office,I saw a queue of both old classmates and new people.While I was sitting in the queue, I talked to everyone and discussed who would go where.Most of my classmates went into Mathematics.After sitting out the queue, I went to the office where the entire Commission was sitting with our teachers.After giving the Secretary all the documents I I sat down at the table with the History teacher and a member of the Commission sitting across from me.They asked about my academic performance and my attitude to study.After a long conversation, I was sent to take a mini exam, where the entire school curriculum was presented.The questions were difficult,but after some time I decided everything and went to pass the task.After passing the task, I waited until they checked and said the results.I waited for about 1 hour after this teacher, asked a lot of questions about the entire History of Russia.As soon as he finished, he congratulated me and accepted me into his class.I thanked him and the Commission and went to the Secretary.She has already completed all the documents for admission and further studies.So that I didn't waste time I was sent to the library where I was given all the books to study.There were a lot of them and they were heavy.while all the documents were being processed, I went home and took all the books.When they got back to school,most of their classmates were also waiting for the Secretary.We talked a lot about the future.I managed to get acquainted with the future “colleagues”.Some of them came from different parts of the country and were glad that they were accepted.The next day I came in a suit and met the class teacher.

This is difficult to count as an interview,since this is not a job interview.But I haven't had a real interview yet.But I already plan to work in a small company as an Intern.