Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Management. Preparation of holding meetings

The meeting in the organization is one of the most important communication tools. It allows you to provide both information and feedback on the production process, perspectives, views, and attitudes. The main enemies of an effective meeting - emotions, lack of preparation, inability to determine the goal, inability to understand and hear the position of another participant, inability to ask and clarify questions, absence of summing up the results.

Most often, business meetings are held on the following cases:

  • First, when it is necessary to adopt a collective decision on the basis of the equal right of everyone to express and justify their opinion;
  • Second, provided that the resolution of the issue affects the interests of several structural subdivisions of the organization or firm at the same time;
  • Third, if the views of different groups of workers need to be used to resolve the issue.

There are several general rules that will help to make business meetings effective and targeted rather than interpersonal:

  1. It is necessary to decide on which meeting - planned, extraordinary - and what its purpose.
  2. You have to prepare for the meeting in advance. The initiator and the host show an example to others and set the tone. At the same time it is necessary not only to prepare itself, but also to inform the participants in advance what is required of them. If the meeting is extraordinary, the date and time information should be sent in writing (using an internal network, for example). If the information is transmitted orally, it is necessary to make sure that the employees heard it.
  3. It is worth inviting only those whose presence makes sense, and participants should understand what meaning it makes for them.
  4. Each invitee should have the opportunity to speak, and the task of the host is to understand and record the main points of the statement.
  5. The most difficult task is to guide the discussion in the right direction and to do it correctly.
  6. At the end of the meeting, it is necessary to take stock of the results and outline plans for the future. And of course, these plans are to be fulfilled.

Methods of holding meeting

The main methods of holding meetings are report, exchange of views, brainstorming and discussion.

Report - One participant provides information on a particular topic. The time of information submission should not exceed 7 minutes, as it is in this period of time that a person is able to perceive the information that is being transmitted to him.

Exchange of views - each participant expresses his/her views on the given topic, which allows to learn the opinion of everyone and to gather an overall picture of the current situation. For example, the current problem in the enterprise is the situation in the departments in the last month (week), shortcomings, errors that need to be corrected in a short time. It is this situation that requires a clash of different views to make a common decision.

Brainstorming is chaotic remarks by participants on a certain subject, characterized by a lack of criticism from employees. The main advantage of this method is that all participants can express everything they think about it, and they cannot criticize each other 's views, and have no right to say no at all. In this case, the manager listens to the views of all participants and selects the most suitable options, then analyzes them and makes a single decision. An example of brainstorming is how to hold a presentation, party or other event, and how much money will be spent doing so.

Discussion - Any participant can take responsibility for making a decision, but not necessarily have to speak up. Such a method is usually used in the repeated solution of this problem when the first convocation is insufficient.

It is also necessary to determine the nature of the meeting. The following types of meetings are identified:

    • Educational - its purpose: to give pupils certain skills and knowledge, to improve their qualifications.
    • Information - gives the necessary information on the current problem, various points of view are studied.
    • Explanatory - in its course management convinces employees of the correctness of their chosen tactics of behavior.
    • Problematic - convened to solve the problem.

In modern market conditions, the latter type of meetings is considered the most popular. We 'll talk about him.