Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

"Job Interview"

An interview is a conversation between equal people, each of whom has his own position that has the right to exist.

Many of us are most afraid of the job interview. And completely in vain. After all, an interview is the best way to demonstrate your best qualities to an employer.

In order to get a prestigious and highly paid job, which will allow you to solve not only material problems, but also make it possible to realize your professional and creative ambitions, you must be able to correctly present your candidacy to the employer. This includes, in addition to demonstrating professional knowledge, also the ability to convince company management that the applicant is in line with the corporate spirit of the organization and clearly understand the goals that will be set before him.

The “ideal candidate” for the position must also have certain psychological qualities, such as: enthusiasm, energy, responsibility, a creative approach to solving production problems and business situations, the ability to learn and retrain, a positive attitude to work, the ability to work in a team.

I started looking for a job on the internet. On all sorts of different job search sites. It was ideal for me to find an office that develops websites and mobile applications. And so I found an American company that was just looking for a progamist. I immediately drew up a resume and sent them by mail. The answer came a day later. A letter came to my mail, where it was written that they are interested and would like to call. I started to panic. I was worried. I really wanted to get a job with them as a developer and forget about the financial hardships. The interview usually takes place via Skype, without video. And so, the usual sound of a Skype call was heard.

Americans begin all their interviews with stories about themselves. Then they describe in detail the activities of the company. In response, they want to hear a story about themselves. You should always be happy and seem happy. They don't need moody people on teams. They don't ask the dumbest question in the world - "Why did you choose us?" They are most interested in experience and positivity. I think that positive things can even be put in the first place. Many are ready to take with little experience. The main thing is that the person is open and ready to help. And of course, it's important to learn quickly when faced with something new.
After that we proceeded to interview. A lot of questions were asked. Such as: Why did you choose this job? Have you received any other job offers? What are your strengths? Why do you want to get this job? Why should we hire you? What changes would you make if you came to this job? Of course, I answered them calmly, confidently, very graciously. In general, I did everything as it should, as the most responsible employee. We started talking about working conditions; Americans always offer the worst conditions first. And you never need to settle for them. The most common requirement is to use a time tracker when working. Naturally, I said no. This will bind you to your computer for the whole day. Therefore, we agreed on a condition. Then we agreed on a weekend on our holidays. This is an important point, because if you do not discuss it right away, then you will have to rest according to their calendar. Then we began to discuss the amount of wages. The whole idea of ​​this interview is to agree to work on favorable terms for yourself. If something doesn't suit you need to say.

And so they took me to this job. I really like the work here. The team is friendly and sociable. They took me as their own, as if I had known them for many years. They always ask me to go to all sorts of events, parties. This was my first interview and it was successful and went smoothly. I was pleased with myself. Now all I could do was to work well and go up the career ladder. This was my first interview.