Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Job interview

Starting something new is always scary and terrifying. People are often used to their usual routine. And it is very difficult to get out of your comfort zone. When studying at school pupils do the same routine every day, they visit the same people, they do the same homework every day. Last year I graduated from school. And after having taken all the final exams, I was sitting at home and having tea when suddenly I realized that I wanted to have a job.

I started looking for a job. And fortunately, I found one job advert and really liked it. One café in my town was looking for a waitress. It was a part-time job with rather good salary. So, I decided to call them.

I was expected to cone in the café to have an interview in several days. Actually, I had never had a job before. And according to this fact I had never had a job interview before. As the day of the interview was approaching, I was getting more and more nervous.

Now I understand that everyone has to get ready for his or her interview. But that time I didn’t make any preparation for it. I just put on my neat clothes and came to the café.

So, I was well-dressed, feeling good and happy. When I came into the room, I saw a great number of girls waiting for their turn. I have to say that I got really scared then. All the girls were so confident, at least I believed so. And almost all of the applicants have some papers in their hands. They were their CVs. I even did not know that the CV was needed.

In an hour my name got called. The nerves hit big time as I sat down. There were three people in front of me. They all introduced themselves and made me laugh by telling me I looked terrified. Then they asked the first question… My hands started shivering.

My first interview experience was very bad. I did as many mistakes as an interviewee can.

  • I did no homework for the interview.
  • I do not have my resume prepared.
  • I even had no idea how to answer the very first question Tell me about yourself?

The moment when they asked me to introduce myself, I started elaborating me and my routine and had a long hault at my hobbies. It was a big mistake.

I walked out feeling that I had answered all questions terribly. As you can understand I did not get the job.

Nevertheless, it was all good experience and I had learned a lot from the need to simply be more prepared with my portfolio to taking more time to answer the questions instead of panicking and saying the first thing that comes into my head.

I want to say that that summer I finally got a job. That time I prepared for the job interview well. When I came into the room, I was feeling confident and relaxed. As a result, I answered all the question well.

The next day I got a phone call. I was offered the job. I was so happy! I had great time working there but I had to quit to continue my studying at the university.