Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Internet in our life

It is impossible to imagine modern life without the Internet. Almost everyone has access to the World Wide Web, from children to the elderly. Our lives have almost moved to the Internet, and we have become terribly dependent on it. But what happens if the Internet suddenly becomes slow?

We are accustomed flying through websites, by clicking from one video to another, and at the same time sitting in a social network or flipping through the news. This requires a fast Internet connection, and if it is lost, a disaster will happen. That's what most people think. It will be impossible to watch movies or YouTube, scroll through the feed on Instagram, and chat with friends. Sites will load very slowly, which will increase stress levels. Slow internet is a disaster for office workers and bloggers. After all, their work directly depends on the speed of the Internet.

But is it really that bad? On the other hand, slow Internet has its advantages. Positive changes can happen in your life if you overcome your addiction and stop spending all day aimlessly on the Internet. A slow speed of the Internet will be enough if you use the net exclusively for social communication or if you are searching for information. You will be able to spend the rest of your free time usefully. You can meet with friends, go for a walk in the fresh air, study. Isn't this a recipe for reducing stress? In addition, there is a lot of negativity and cyber bullying on the Internet. And if you reduce the time spent online, it will clearly benefit you.

But I believe that in today's reality, slow Internet is more likely to increase the level of stress. After all, it has become an indispensable part of our life and work. We need the Internet in all areas of life, from communication to navigation.

Summing up, I want to say that despite the fact that the Internet is tightly connected with our lives, we need to use it wise, and not worry about every trifle.