Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

International law


Currently, in the modern world, when the interconnectedness and interdependence of States has become a truly universal character as in a circle of people and their relationships, do not cause doubts legitimacy and the vital necessity of the primacy of international law.

The objective realities in which humanity has met the 21st century urgently require ensuring such priority for international law, which should be greatly facilitated by increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the general democratic potential accumulated by it.

International law.

International law is a system of international treaty and customary norms created by states and other subjects of international law aimed at maintaining peace and strengthening international security; establishing and developing comprehensive international cooperation, which are ensured by the conscientious implementation by subjects of international law of their international obligations, and, if necessary, by coercion carried out by states individually or collectively in accordance with existing norms of international law.

In a narrow sense, the sources of international law are usually divided into main and auxiliary. Among the main ones, all authors unanimously refer to international treaties and international legal customs. Auxiliary sources of international law usually refer to documents (resolutions, declarations, etc.) adopted by bodies of international organizations, judicial (arbitration) decisions, opinions of the most prominent experts in the field of international law (doctrine).

In the field of international law, there are public international and private international law. Private international law is a set of principles and norms of international law governing international relations in certain areas of economic and humanitarian cooperation of peoples (civil law, inheritance, scientific and technical, family and marriage, credit and financial). Public international law regulates relations between States.

International Law includes the basic, class concepts of law in national legal systems: status, property, obligation, and tort. It also includes substantive law, procedure, process and remedies. International Law is rooted in acceptance by the nation states, which constitute the system.

The main subject areas of international law are international economic law; international security law; international criminal law; International Environmental Law; Diplomatic Law; International Law; Humanitarian law or the law of war; international human Rights law. Customary law and law made by international agreement have equal authority as international law. Customary international law arises when States follow a particular practice in general and consistently out of a sense of legal obligation. Recently, customary law was codified in the Vienna convention on the law of treaties. Customary international law is a derived from international agreements and may take any form agreed upon by the Contracting Parties.

The basic principles of modern international law.

The basic principles of modern international law are fundamental, universal norms of international law that correspond to the laws of the development of international relations of our era, ensure the main interests of humanity, states, and other subjects of international law and, therefore, are protected by the most stringent coercive measures.

The principles of international law are formed in the usual and contractual way. They perform two functions simultaneously: they contribute to the stabilization of international relations, limiting them to a certain normative framework, and they consolidate everything new that appears in the practice of international relations, and thus contribute to their development.


International law today expresses universal values that are close to all and unite all peoples. It is a general democratic basis for the joint efforts of States, peoples and individuals to ensure the security and development of each not at the expense of the other, but in the interests of all, which requires recognition, first of all, of the principles of freedom of choice and balance of interests.


Лебедева А.А. Английский для юристов. 2015. Юнити. Москва. [Электронный ресурс] URL:https://biblioclub.ru/index.php?page=book_red&id=114706.html.