Автор Анна Евкова
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I suppose, that the major was very brave person the following reasons

In my opinion, the major has lost the most significant things in a life of every person. First, before the war he was the best fencer in the Italy. I think it tells, that he was very talented fencer from his birth and that affair was his life`s mission. But his hand was injured at the war and as a result it became small. Because of it the major got certain modern treatment at one war hospital with other wounded persons, but he did not believe in some positive treatment`s effect, in spite of the doctor`s assurances. He was very strong man by the character and he did not want to believe in some illusions about the probable recovery . I think, he was sure, that his fencer`s career was over anyway, but he did not fall in some depression and he was always in a calm position. He was in good relations with the rest wounded persons, with whom he got the treatment in the hospital, and the major even helped one wounded young American soldier with studying of the Italy grammar. The major was very honest and straight person by his nature, because he told the truth directly to a person`s face. It tells also about his bravery. Second, it has become known by the end of the story «In another country» , that he had very young wife, who died because of the pneumonia. But even immediately after getting news about her death the major apologized to that above-mentioned young American soldier, because some minutes before he had spoken with him rather rudely. And frankly speaking, I was shocked with such behavior, because the person has just lost the closest and the dearest being in his life and nevertheless he kept such calmness and the spirit’s firmness. Afterwards he has not been in hospital for three days and then he has appeared there with black band on his uniform, being in the same calm spirit`s position. His bravery and great moral force were in that thing, that he was able to continue living, having such severe life`s difficulties. He just was sure, that he must remain the same person in spite of anything.