Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

How to become a good manager

The term Manager is interpreted quite widely, so any definition of it will not be complete enough. With some degree of approximation, we can say that a Manager is a person who makes a system of current and future planning, forecasting and orientation of production, sales of products and services in order to make a profit. In other words, a Manager is a person who plans the organization, motivation, and control of production in order to achieve goals as quickly as possible.

Therefore, the Manager must have certain qualities, manners, the ability to skillfully manage the workforce, the most fully use the creative abilities of each of the employees, thereby providing a flexible response to the requirements of customers. In my opinion, the most important qualities that a Manager should have and that he should develop in himself are the following: the Manager should be a leader worthy of imitation. The main task of the Manager is to do business with the help of other people, to achieve teamwork. This means cooperation, not intimidation. A good Manager is always concerned with the interests of the entire company. The Manager likes people. The best managers take care of their employees. A good Manager is available and does not hide behind the door of the office. Good managers are human, they are aware of their own weaknesses, which makes them more tolerant of the weaknesses of others. The Manager must be bold. It will always try to find a new way to complete a task just because it is better. But he will never do it unreasonably. The Manager is always honest. To be honest with management is to tell higher managers what they may not always like to hear.

Each Manager in his company performs certain functions, the quality of which determines his competence.

I believe that a person who wants to become a Manager must take care of many aspects, both personal and professional. They must develop leadership skills, business and human qualities, and take care of their professional training, the ability to plan the company's activities, coordinate and ensure control of the work.