Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

How to become a good manager?

To become a successful Manager, you should have excellent theoretical training and have developed communication skills. The Manager must be knowledgeable, fair, reliable, and available for dialogue with subordinates. Build interpersonal understanding. Managers should be able to understand their subordinates and superiors. To do this, the Manager must be able to communicate and take a sincere part in the lives of his employees and colleagues. No wonder this principle is in the first place, because it is a healthy relationship between you and your wards that will bring the "Mature fruit" of joint activity.

Learn to motivate those around you. It is clear that there is no common incentive for everyone, so the principles of employee motivation need to be constantly improved and changed. You must have a very clear sense of people's needs and needs. Everyone has different values, someone is important to get an extra day of rest for their vacation, and someone needs financial encouragement, and a third just needs to help solve a psychological problem. Keep the feedback. Constantly interact with subordinates, make communication regular: this will help you keep up to date with production matters. The ability to interact and communicate your ideas to the most peripheral employee of the company (including cleaners and caretakers) will ensure that employees understand their tasks and goals.

I hope my recommendations will help you become a good Manager!