Автор Анна Евкова
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How to become a good manager

Nowadays people have a lot of opportunities to make money. But some people think that it is easy thing to do without any knowledges and personal skills. My essay will develop a theme how to be a good manager at the present day.

First of all, a person who wants to become a successful manager must be ready to track, support and guide his team, knowing their strengths and weaknesses and always keeping them together. A good manager is a inspiration for his team: he has to inspire his team to work hard by making them feel respected. Moreover, he has to encourage his team, because they need to know that there is no insuperable difficulties for them and he always be by their side for help. A manager should be a leader, while a leader does not necessarily have to be a manager. Also, a good leader understand that sometimes people need to take a break. People are less effective when they are overstressed. So, a manager have to give himself and his team a chance to relax, because increased productivity when you return will more than make up for the time you take off.

Secondly, a person has to manage his time. Everybody knows that time is money, that is why a top manager knows about deadline and what means to lose it. Besides, a top manager have to resolve conflicts. If you put two people together they can eventually going to disagree and that is normal. So, a leader allows people to be heard and create an environment where people come together for the greater good of the project. Task management is one of the main qualities of a good manager. If a manager cannot get the tasks done, the project fails. It is that simple. But managing tasks can be more complex. But he has many tasks automated, such as email notifications when a deadline is fast approach, to further streamline the process.

Thirdly, a good manager have to be confident. His team should not see their leader as a unsure or fearful person. Obviously, a top manager have to be honest to his team and it is true, because if he is pretending his team will know it. A manager wants to depend on his team, and they need him to be dependable for them. Also, communication may be the single most important skill of a good manager. Person cannot be a leader if he cannot communicate his vision. A real leader cannot motivate people if they do not understand what he wants to say them. Communication skills can be improved through practice. 

In conclusion, I would like to say that there are good and bad managers, just like there are good and bad leaders. The main thing a good manager must know is that the skill set is a process. You do not become a good manager overnight. It takes time. It takes failure, but without that failure you would never learn from you mistakes and grow.