Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

How to be a good manager

Currently, the manager is one of the most popular and highly paid professions. To understand why she is so in demand, it is necessary to understand what is meant by the word "manager" and what qualities this person should possess.

Who is a manager and what is his responsibility?

 I think a manager is a person who occupies a permanent position, endowed with certain powers and having the right to make decisions in certain activities of the company.

Required qualities for a good manager.

In my opinion, the most important quality for this position is resilience. A person possessing this quality can successfully cope with any stressful situation and will be able to quickly recover from failure. Do not forget that the manager is a person who, like no one else, must possess great strength of mind to build a successful career.

 To manage as efficiently as possible, the manager must know his subordinates, and the team must accept his boss. Subordinates respect the leader who boldly assumes responsibility, makes the right management decisions, honestly admits his mistakes. The authority of their subordinates is not easy to earn, it is a long job, and you can lose it in a matter of minutes. The main reasons for lack of respect for their supervisor are excessive reinsurance and inactivity / indifference, but the presence of mistakes has little effect on authority if the manager freely admits his mistakes. To increase authority, tolerance towards certain weaknesses of people who, in principle, do not interfere with the work of the whole team, contributes. At the same time, it should be remembered that the presence of people in the organization who do not work, do not strive to achieve the common goal of the company, are lazy and completely lacking in initiative, reduces the overall performance of the work, so you shouldn’t keep such people in a team.

In my opinion, each leader does not interfere with the presence of the following personal qualities (at the same time, many of which can be developed independently by reading special literature, attending trainings):

  • sociability;
  • managerial talent that allows to enthuse people;
  • confidence;
  • organizational skills;
  • oratorical talent;
  • initiative;
  • self-criticism;
  • the desire to take responsibility;
  • justice;
  • humanity;
  • openness;
  • the ability to keep your word;
  • sequence in actions;
  • zest for life.

 It also seems to me that one of the main qualities of a successful manager is the ability to put yourself in the place of another person. This quality helps to quickly find the right solutions and allows you to predict the actions and actions of another employee. Equally important feature is ambition. This quality allows the manager to successfully complete the job and always achieve the goal.

Important skills for a successful manager.

A good manager should know and be able to do a lot. Communication skills are the ability to work with people with their help to successfully solve tasks. It is communicative qualities that are decisive to ensure the prosperity of the enterprise. Technical skill is the qualities that help to quickly and effectively solve tasks. For example, the ability to apply the latest technology and tools to perform specific work.

Conceptual skills are the ability of a person to properly evaluate and perceive an organization as a single organism. A good manager should be able to process data, think systemically and organize the company's activities.

It is worth remembering that if an employee occupies a leadership position that is associated with a certain reputation and is well paid, he will often feel a further need for development. In this regard, it will be necessary to provide training courses, advanced training courses. Investments in human resources are the most cost-effective - a well-trained, professional and at the same time loyal employee is a significant advantage of the company over its competitors.

 As you can see, to be a good manager, you should take a closer look at your internal competencies. At the same time, it is good to remember that managers are often one of the most valuable employees in which to invest. Due to this, the company receives loyal and competent personnel.

Thus, I think, the manager is a very interesting and multifaceted profession that requires continuous improvement and advanced training.