Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

«How should you use your time?»

Time is one of the most mysterious phenomena of mankind and at the same time the most explainable. From the point of view of history, time is infinite. This past, present and future. Proceeding from this, time is an indicator of the variability of the world in the process of its development (philosophical concept).

With regard to human life, this is only an instant in relation to historical time. And at the same time, time has both a beginning and an end for a person - a birthday and a day of death. And each person strive to use time for their own purposes to the maximum. Or reconcile over time. The first category can be attributed to various public figures (scientists, politicians, managers, creative personalities). The second category of people include monks, ordinary people walking along the current of life, who have measured the circumstances and who do not have any global goals (workers of the lower and middle class, homeless people).

Every person has his own internal concept of time. Someone knows how to "live with the times in the leg" - they track trends in the scientific and technical sphere (new models of phones, for example, or computer games), women of fashion, managers and other categories of people. Who then all the time it is not enough (almost all parents, mostly mothers: work, home, children) and they are always in a hurry somewhere. Someone is ahead of time - the creators of new trends and trends in all spheres of life. Someone lives in the past (their best times or, on the contrary, they cherish the worst, do not want to part with the past), someone thinks about the future (how do I spend old age, how much I will receive on retirement, postpone for a "black" day). They are at the same time in the present and deprive themselves of the joys of the present.

Each person has also the general concepts of time - the built-in clock. We know that day - when the sun is shining and it's time to get up, and night - when the moon comes out - go to sleep. We know where we are in the relative historical process, in what era we live and how much it is developed relative to the past and where it is moving.

The mystery of time is expressed in the fact that relative to the universe time is not just infinite, it is relative. In space, in weightlessness, time slows down for a person, even body cells slow down their development and a person does not age. An excellent example: the light of the star, we see today in the night sky, and it already does not exist several million or billions of years.

The question of time excites every person from the great minds of the scientific world to the ordinary person. Einstein deduced the relativity of time. He understood that the time of his life was limited and he tried to get to know the world around him as much as possible, slept for two or three hours a day and made great discoveries that changed the world. Other categories of people - spiritual personalities (monks, some creative individuals) know that time is relative and this earthly life is not the end of existence and is given to the flow of life with one principle of being at rest like water. Monks, at the same time, serve a higher being: they do not do good or evil; they are completely neutral personalities, they are observers. Diogenes - the great philosopher of antiquity - spent his life in a barrel watching life. Creative personalities are also neutral, but in expressing themselves and the world through their creativity: came the image and the desire to express feelings - painted, written, created it.

So, differently, different people use their time. Personally, I strive for peace with respect to time. I believe that we are not limited to one earthly life. But at the same time we came with a certain mission in this life. And I want to do everything necessary to carry out my mission. Einstein, apparently, came to know the world and reveal its features and foundations to people. Monks carry a mission of observation, peace and neutrality, showing their behavior to others about more important things than worldly vanity. But, unfortunately, many people are not immediately able to get to know their mission, and this is the time of their entire life. Whatever it was, only the person decides how to use the time of his life from birth to death. And no one has the right to judge a person for the "wrong" use of time.