Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

How should you use your time?

I think, every person can decide for him/herself how to use his/her time. Someone can literally do nothing all day, somebody can schedule every minute of every day, and stay productive all the time. I cannot give any advice about how to use time to anyone, just because it is not my business how any person use his/her time. It is a personal thing.

I am something in between of those who schedule their time and those who do nothing all day.

But I have only one life and I try to do as many different things as possible. I wish I could spend my time traveling around the world but I cannot do it due to lack of money. Sadly, but my life is a routine; I seldom can do anything interesting. So I should use my time to learn something that could be useful in my future. In this case, I at least can hope that I will get a chance and opportunity to travel in the future.

So, I would use my time for traveling and making preparations for it .

The most useful ability I have now is the ability to speak English. This is probably the most common language in the world. For future travel it could be nice to be able to speak at least a couple more languages. French or Spanish could be most useful (from my point of view). I call those languages colonial languages due to many former colonies, which had gain independence by now and still use their former colonists’ language as their main one.

So, finally I am ready to say that I should use my timeto ensure a better future.