Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Freedom is an idea that reflects the attitude of the subject towards his acts, in which he is their determining cause and, therefore, they are not directly determined by natural, social, interpersonal-communicative, individually-internal or individually-generic factors

Freedom implies that a person or a process has the opportunity to choose an option and to realize (ensure) the outcome of an event. The absence of such a choice and the implementation of the choice is tantamount to the absence of freedom - captivity.

In a certain sense, the concept of freedom is the opposite of the concept of necessity.

In ethics, freedom is associated with the presence of free will of man. Freedom of will imposes responsibility on a person and blames his words and actions. An act is considered moral only if it is committed by free will, is the free will of the subject. In this sense, ethics is aimed at a person's awareness of his freedom and the responsibility associated with it.

The word "freedom" in its current form of a noun is of relatively late origin.

Different cultures give different attention to freedom. Thus, for example, in modern Western European culture, liberalism puts freedom in the forefront. And vice versa - in many eastern cultures, a traditionally rational and purely practical attitude to this concept, or even a complete lack of attention to the issue of freedom, which does not exist as an independent value, is traditionally. Also, often freedom as an independent value is often evaluated in cultures as something at least dangerous, and even frankly harmful. Such an assessment can be based on the assumption that real freedom can be achieved only with the self-sufficiency of the individual, while in practice all people live in communities.

The conclusion is also obvious that the more attention is paid to social benefits, the less valuable is the individual’s freedom. And this point of view is often shared by the individual himself, as a carrier of culture. That is, such a restriction is non-violent in nature, and is based on mutually beneficial coexistence of people.