Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Do you think it is better to live in a big city or a small town? Why?

In the modern world most people live in large cities. Small towns grow every year and the rural population is still declining. It is not surprising, because in a big city usually has everything for a comfortable life. Supermarkets, service centers, hospitals, cafes, restaurants, taxi companies, schools and universities, entertainment centers...

It is easy to buy everything from food to laptops and cars. Developed transport system allows to deliver goods to even other continents. And most importantly – is concentrated in cities of different manufacturers and companies, so everyone can get a profession and get a job. The city has many fun and interesting people, Internet in each apartment. There are parks, squares, monuments, promenades, where you can relax.

The rhythm of life in a big city is very stressful. Each morning its residents Wake up early, collected and hurry to work or school, which may be far from home, so the road back may take more than an hour. Evening and weekend all go shopping and in supermarkets long queues. In the evenings, especially during the holidays, all go to concerts, exhibitions, performances, sporting events.

A big city is always filled with the sounds of voices, the noise and honking cars, sirens, music from the cafe. Even the nights here are full of life.

On the one hand, to live in a big city comfortable and interesting, with another – there is discomfort. Always a lot of stress, away from nature, the air is polluted by automobile exhaust and emissions from factories. Living in the city was good to me, just need as often as possible to get out of the city, to be in nature, to relax from the stressful pace of life.