Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Do you think a person can have multiple or split personalities?

Each of us has several personalities. I came to this conclusion relatively recently, and I think that to the question, is it possible to have multiple personalities in one person, my answer is Yes. Of course, there is a Foundation, a Foundation, on which everything rests, but after the Foundation there are branches that we use depending on certain situations. I believe that we, people, are multi-faceted, and each of us can deviate from our true nature depending on circumstances,mood and position in society.

When communicating with people, we often want to please the interlocutor, this happens subconsciously, and because of this, we use the qualities that a particular interlocutor likes, in other words, we adapt to the interlocutor. We try to develop comprehensively in addition to our main path. With people who are interested in literature, we try to talk about books that we have recently read, share our impressions and experience, with people who are interested in football, we try to share the latest games, and so on. With parents, we behave differently with different friends, girlfriend,wife differently. We also try to be reserved with people whose behavior is prone to melancholy, and Vice versa. This is part of our society, and without such practices, we risk being left behind,without friends and comrades, without any connections. As one person who is not deprived of mental abilities said, only a fool would deny the fact that there are several personalities living in us. Among other things, scientists from the University of Cambridge claim that there are 3 personalities living in us. The first personality is biogenic, which is formed on the basis of DNA, thanks to which we have personal qualities and specific abilities. The second is sociogenic and the third is idiogenic, which is formed through experience. According to psychologists, nervous breakdowns often occur due to the fact that we develop only one of our personality,forgetting about the other two.

Just do not forget about the three layers of personality, approved by Eric Byrne,an American psychologist. According to it, we have a "parent","child" and "adult"in us.

I think it is already clear from the names what functions these "personalities" perform.

Summarizing the personal observations and statements of some psychologists, I will assume that we are not monotonous and have many sides, perhaps which we do not even know yet.