Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Do you agree with the statement: Fear can prevent people from pursuing their dreams (others succumb to their momentary experiences)

Fear is a kind of protective reaction of the body. Fear is inherent in every person, only some can control it, and others succumb to their momentary experiences. The peculiarity of fear is that it can spread from one person to another, a striking example is panic. A fire broke out in the building, some people turn on the alarm and tell others to go to the exit. And others in fear run from side to side and shout that we will all die, we will all burn. Emotional people quickly succumb to this and start to panic, if there are a lot of people around, a stampede may begin and there will be more victims. This is the danger of fear.

If you look at history, you can see that people have always wanted to be free from fear. Every person is uncomfortable with this feeling of anxiety, which does not allow you to do anything. Since ancient times, courage, bravery, and the ability to cope with emotions have been especially valued.

Feelings such as anxiety, foreboding, and anxiety confirm human vulnerability and openness to this world. Courage is not the absence of fear; courage is the overcoming of it. All famous Russian soldiers also experienced the fear of battle, wounds and death, but they did not give in to it. For them, nobility, courage, honor, and victory were the most important things. They were ready to put everything on the line, nothing stopped them. And it was this fact that led them to victory.

Fear kills dreams. When a person is afraid, they cannot develop, do anything to fulfill their dreams. Fear binds and paralyzes the will of man. Winning over fear is half the battle. When a person is afraid, he is opposed not only by external forces, but also by himself.

Each of us struggles with our fears every day. This is not easy for everyone, but we need to remember that fear makes us weak and vulnerable, and if we get rid of it, we will gain confidence and strength to fight.

First of all, you need to assess the scale of the problem and look it in the eye. Is it worth the experience and giving up your dream? No wonder they say: "Fear has big eyes." People often exaggerate the significance and importance of fear in their emotions, and as a result, it turns out that it was possible not to worry so much about it. We need to look for support from our friends and family, because they can give us the right advice and look at the situation from the outside. You need to try to calm down, come to your senses and think soberly about what happened in order to make a sound and reasonable decision.

A person who was able to overcome his fear, weakness and doubts is a really strong person, because every victory brings up firmness of spirit, self – confidence, purposefulness, perseverance and perseverance. Living without fear is much more convenient, I believe that it should be present as an instinct of self-preservation and stop in really critical situations. But in cases of achieving your goal, it is better to leave it behind, so that it does not become an obstacle.

Every person should learn from an early age to step over their fears, doubts and complexes, so that they do not interfere with their progress in life.