Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Do you agree that nowadays people throw things away too quickly? Why?

The issue of consumption and disposal of things is extremely relevant to date. This issue is directly related to the topic of ecology, about which more people have recently begun to think. Production of all kinds of things is at its peak at the moment. This leads to a high level of consumption among people, and as a result - to a large amount of waste and garbage on our planet.

Every year every person in a developed state throws away about 10 kilograms of garbage, and for every resident of our country of Russia there is 100-400 kg of garbage. Experts calculated and found out that if the garbage is not destroyed, that in 10-15 years it will cover our planet with a layer of 5 meters thick. Just imagine the huge amount of stuff people throw away!

At the moment, garbage is considered the number one environmental problem. For example, America’s population and industry throw away more debris than any other country in the world. The obvious solution to this problem is to throw away less debris. It is not to reduce the level of production of all kinds of things, as if there is demand, there will be supply. And learn a culture of consumption.

Nowadays, consumption has become a cult, and has little to do with actually meeting people’s needs. Modern people have been so suppressed by the number of things around us that are in excess around us. Each from everywhere from TV screens and advertising billboards we are offered to buy something new, to replace what we already have: a new supermodel smart phone, and no matter what you bought your own only six months ago, because it is considered that it is already obsolete; a new ultra-thin TV, and I don 't care that with your own TV everything is okay, not so bad, but still not a new model; a new coat and dress because your clothes which you bought a couple of months ago have already been out of fashion. Marketing and the media run us, pump out our money, and create a consumption society, instilling in us that we need something new and different.

The basic principle of consumption society is to throw out and replace with a new one. But, if you turn our attention, to how the generation of our grandparents who have caught a shortage of goods in our country treats things, you can see the right attitude to things, more careful; they do not throw out even a broken thing, but try to fix it.

Yes, I agree that currently most people throw things away too quickly. Unfortunately, this is the modern world, and if we want that our future children and grandchildren to live on a clean planet with good ecology, we need to think about the culture of consumption, learn from our grandparents, and first of all start with ourselves.