Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Do you agree or disagree with the statement: It is wrong to tell a lie

Everyone knows some facts, when people lied to others with a good intention. These facts are the integral parts of the human communication. And as for me, I believe that telling a lie sometimes isn’t wrong. In this article I will try to argue my opinion.

In psychology this kind of lie is named “Virtuous deception”. This type of lie has purpose to match the humanity values and principle of morality. So to speak, interests of a liar correspond to interests of man, who takes a lie. And there are two types of virtuous deception.

The first type when lie is directed at the listener. The typical example in this case is hiding from patient information about his real state of health, when it is bad. In the same way a doctor creates a good and plausible misinformation. It can increase resistance of the patient and give the confidence in a positive result. Instead, when doctor tell the truth, it may cause the patient’s severe mental experiences, depression and the suicidal mood. These factors sharply decrease the treatment success.

The second type when lie is spoke to listener but it directed at the other person or anything abstract idea or even your own goal. For example, when a terrorist threatens to people it is necessary to neutralize him. In this case it very useful to lie, because all ways to rescue hostage will be good. Although truth is more preferable than lie from a moral, philosophical, and human point of view, there are a lot of cases in our life when using a lie can prevent a very sad consequence instead. And society approves this type and considers virtuous deception like an adequate response for several kinds of social aggression.

Surely, lie in generally isn’t good for people relationships. But sometimes it is useful and even advisable to tell a lie.