Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.


We have already passed the beginning of the second millennium. During the existence of mankind, many different cultures and languages have appeared.

Cicero said: Culture is "the cultivation of the human mind in the process of education and education." Culture is education, reverence, active kindness to others. The concept of culture is the spiritual, moral and material values of the people, transmitted to subsequent generations for the purpose of using for good. The concepts of language and culture are strongly linked. Language is a means of communication, a system of communication. Language, like breathing, is necessary for a person. The language is considered the most important cultural value of any nation. With its help, knowledge is passed from one to another and preserved for future generations. Language is both a tool and an instrument of culture, which has been perfected since ancient times and has been inherited from our ancestors. With its help, knowledge is passed from one to another and preserved for future generations.

During the colonization of the lands of Africa and America, the colonizers primarily sought to teach the locals their language. So they overcame the language barrier, but unwittingly destroyed the language, traditions and way of life of local tribes, deprived them of their cultural heritage. Language is an indicator of the development of the culture of the nation, its level.

The more complex, expressive, and rich it is, the more developed the country's culture is. It is the knowledge of the language that helps us to learn more and more about the traditions and cultural monuments of ancient civilizations. Our whole life, both in the present and in the future, depends on how well and correctly we are able to communicate. It is also very important to recognize the right to exist of other cultures and to treat them with respect.

Therefore, in order to preserve the rich and diverse culture created by people, we must take care not only of our own, but also of other languages and cultures.