Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

«A special dish, eaten in your family on a special day»

Family is an integral part of every person’s life. Each family has its family traditions. And even if it immediately seems that they are not, it is worth thinking about. The morning tea with sandwiches by the whole family, evening "Good night!" with a kiss before bed. Lunches on weekends and walks in the city, decorating the Christmas tree. These are all traditions, too, without which the family often can no longer imagine its life.

People around the world still argue and cannot come to a common opinion about family traditions.

On the one hand, there are many advantages of traditions. For example, traditions make us feel like a close family.

On the other hand, not every family has traditions. One of the reasons is not every person has a close-knit family. My family has a tradition. On holiday or a special day, we prepare «khinkal» with my mother. «Khinkal» is a traditional dish of Caucasian cuisine, one of the most popular today. It represents pieces of dough boiled in meat broth served with broth, boiled meat, and sauce. My family loves spending time at dinner and remembering some funny and touching life stories.

Family traditions are family manners and customs that are passed on from generation to generation. Most likely, our parents grew up in the same traditions, and we will take them to our future, and it will be accepted in our house. Such moments remain in memory forever, and every time you already waiting for a new moment.